Sound of a Star
Waves of a Circle 2016 pencils, acrylics, on denril 74" x 84"
How will know light from darkness? 2016 pencils, acrylics, on denril 84" x 90"
Cacophonic 2016 pencils, acrylics, on denril 74" x 84"
Light, like Sound mixed media on denril, 114" x 84"
Light Invincible 2017 pencils, acrylics, on denril 108" x 78"
Sowing wind to reap the whirlwind/The light at the end of the world
2018 pencils, acrylics, on denril 78" x 108"
Flare 2016 pencils, acrylics, on denril 84" x 74"
Tilted World
Tilted World- A sentence in which light is the subject and time, the object
2019 pencils, acrylics, on denril 78" x 72"
Tilted World- Time's Flower
2020 pencils, acrylics, on denril 90" x 72"
Tilted World- Time's Flower The Expanded Moment
2021 pencils, acrylics, on denril 94" x 72"
Tilted World- A Period at the End of a Long Sentence
2020-1 pencils, acrylics, on denril 83" x 72"
Tilted World: A Sentence Without End is Pointless.
2022 pencils, acrylics, on denril 72" x 65"
Time Flower: A Period Between Two Sentences.
2021 pencils, acrylics, on denril 72" x 78"
Tilted World
2017 pencils, acrylics, on denril 78" x 72"
Tilted World- Inflexibility of the Absolute
2018 pencils, acrylics, on denril 78" x 72"
Tilted World- The difficulty of maintaining one's balance in a stellar field
2019 pencils, acrylics, on denril 78" x 72"
Tilted World
The complexities of our physical existence; the angle of the earth towards the sun, how light is reflected as color, the relative nature of what is up or down, serve as the basis for these layered structural designs. The works build a system of multiple compositions that are meant to parallel the simultaneous activities of the natural world that happen invisibly and visibly all around us. Concepts of myth, mathematics and music are engaged to create geometric forms, patterns of repetition and variation, rhythms and visual ’voices’ that are the building blocks of the paintings.
Tilted World refers not only to the delicate balance of our existence: the 23.5 degree tilt of the earth on its axis that accounts for our seasons, but as a counterpart to the Floating World - a lifestyle and art movement in Japan in the 1700s and 1800s which produced influential graphic print-works along with music and writing which focused on disengaging from the world and creating a world of pleasure-while still expressing desire for a meaningful existence. In a similar way, making art in our contemporary society reflects our individual balancing of an acute awareness of the world situation with deep involvement in both creative problem solving and a search for something that takes us beyond to greater or more perfect vision.
The fire folded in upon itself 2013 pencils, acrylics, on denril 90" x 108"
ifeyewereuwherewouldub 2014 pencils, acrylics, on denril 90" x 108"
The light you see today belongs to tomorrow 2013 pencils, acrylics, on denril 90" x 108"
With the Sun in my I 2015 pencils, acrylics, on denril 90" x 108"
Some say Fire, Some say Ice 2021 pencils, acrylics, on denril 90" x 108"
The Superstructures are about light, mostly in the cosmic sense; creating a drawing and painting system that describes an “impossible“ structure – one that can perhaps only be built with drawing and color - where the color represents light waves as separated into component colors. The works rely on innate drawing ability - the idea that we can understand and express our experience of spatial realities through cultivating our ability to draw; that through drawing we can explore/express the physics of the world we exist in and are a part of.